Oh Halloween! Such a fun time of year for the kids. For parents it's almost a nightmare. Well, for me anyways. It starts out with the costumes. My oldest, Sutton, there is never a problem but then the
complaining begins with
Katlyn early on. It's too tight or too cold or sometimes too hot. Pieces of her costume mysteriously start
disappearing as the night moves on and then she mad at the end of the night that she's lost her
magic wand or whatever it might be at that time. Oh and then there's
Kambel. She is angry that she has been forced to wear a ridiculous outfit and still be cooperative. The fights with her over wearing
headpieces are always won by her.
Ofcourse the costume comes with an oh so adorable
headpiece that I can't resist from trying to "sneak" it on her head. And then we have the candy!
Katlyn and Sutton who are
neglected from candy sneak as much as possible into their mouth's without me seeing. I
probably say a hundred times during the night "that is enough candy". Unfortunately I am
distracted by the other 40
screaming children who are having a sugar meltdown, I don't see the 200
pieces of candy that enter my children's
stomaches. I guess
Halloween makes for great pictures.